DC Statues
Vendor: Iron StudiosFrom "Batman" comes this officially licensed statue. The 1/10 scale statue is about 23 cm tall and comes with matching base.
- €225.00
€249.64- €225.00
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Vendor: Iron StudiosOver the imposing and majestic edifices of the modern city of Metropolis and the emblematic Daily Planet building, with his unmistakable classic blue and red suit, its most famous resident and protector hangs, floating over the clouds, gently bringing his loved soulmate holding her body next to his. Almost losing one of her shoes, held only by the tip of her fingers, the beautiful investigative reporter doesn't care much about that, feeling more than safe in the arms of her man of steel. Celebrating the love with one of pop culture's most iconic couples, Iron Studios present the statue "Superman and Lois - DC Comics - Diorama 1/6", with Clark and Lois Lane exchanging passionate looks and smiles inspired by their iconic and classic version from the comics.Sent to Earth from the dying planet Krypton as a baby, Kal-El was found by the farmers Martha and Jonathan Kent and raised as his son, Clark. As Clark grew up, the radiation from Earth's yellow sun gave him extraordinary powers that he kept hidden. Now, fully grown, he uses his powers to protect his adoptive world as Superman and acts as a journalist reporter at the Daily Planet newspaper, where he met Lois Lane, a strong and assertive woman, capable of handling dangerous situations in the search for big articles. At first, Lois was torn about being romantically interested in both Superman and Clark Kent, without knowing they were the same man. Eventually, Clark Kent revealed the truth and they got married. The Polystone Diorama measures approx. 57 x 27 x 29 cm.
- €895.00
€992.43- €895.00
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Vendor: Iron StudiosIron Studios celebrates the Dark Knight's 85th anniversary with a variant statue of Batman!On top of an old silvery metal searchlight created and used to project his symbol in the cloudy skies of Gotham City, graffitied with a smiling face on the spotlight, a mark of his biggest archenemy, the Dark Knight with his characteristic stern countenance climbs the artifact with his clenched fists. Using a variant of his iconic black costume, with his yellow utility belt and the chest logo in the center of an ellipse with a yellow background, this version of his costume presents the features of a tactical armor, with armor plates, shoulder pads, padded boots, presenting textures of fabric and laminated Kevlar, leather, and metal. With a long and worn-out cape marked by the damage of uncountable battles, this intricate statue also presents a detailed base with a Joker Gargoyle supporting and holding the Bat-Signal. Iron Studios present the statue "Batman Black Ver. (Exclusive) - DC Comics - Deluxe Art Scale 1/10", with the multifaceted disguised crusader in another release exclusive to the Iron Studios Online Store, celebrating the anniversary of the Dark Knight that celebrates his 85th anniversary on March 30th, the date of his first appearance in Detective Comics 27, a comic book that was released on March 30th, 1939.Created by Bob Kane and Bill Finger in 1939, as a child, Bruce Wayne witnessed the brutal murder of his parents at the Crime Alley in Gotham City. Traumatized by their deaths, he dedicated his life to become the world's greatest weapon against crime, the Batman! To become the supreme vigilante, the Dark Knight disciplined his mind and body to achieve the apex of mental and physical superiority in his relentless search for justice. Batman doesn't have any superhuman powers, having only his intellect, investigative skills, technology, and a well-prepared physique at his disposal in the crusade against the most dangerous and insane villains of Gotham.Produced inspired by the concept art developed by Ivan Reis, the official DC Comics illustrator from Chiaroscuro Studios, one of the most praised statues Iron Studios ever produced, originally manufactured in limited edition for the Prime Scale 1/3 line in 2016, now fans and collectors will have the chance to get this statue in its reduced version in the Art Scale 1/10 line. Available for Pre-Order now!
- €207.00
€229.84- €207.00
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Vendor: Iron StudiosC hoosing a new costume made of red and black leather, and a short jacket with the "Live Fast Die Clown" slogan in the back (a provocation to her exboyfriend Joker), dressing pants with the geometric diamond print just like in the deck suits (a replicated feature from her original costume) and adding a buckle with her initials, a pair of aviator glasses over her braided hair, she continues to walk and smile on a pedestal of the wild terrain from the fictional island of Corto Maltese, carrying on her right shoulder the big javelin given to her by the villain and former German Olympic athlete Javelin right before he died, considering her to be the best person to carry it, but leaving Gotham's Maid of Mischief confused about its purpose. Adding to their line of statues from The Suicide Squad, Iron Studios present "Harley Quinn - The Suicide Squad - BDS Art Scale 1/10" in anotherfuture release.Once again played by Margot Robbie, the clown princess of crime returns once more recruitedby the unscrupulous director Amanda Waller, to fulfill another mission in the convicted villain'slimited group that works for the government in exchange for favors or sentence reduction, calledTask Force X, better known as The Suicide Squad. With the objective of destroying a prison and alaboratory that holds political prisoners and secret experiments, Harley is part of the first teamthat arrives the beaches of Corto Maltese, that is actually part of a distraction strategy for thelocal military forces, so that a second team of the group can carry on with the mission withoutobstacles.Size: 21 x 17 x 8 cmMade in polystone (may contain parts in resin, polystone, PVC, metal and fabric).
- €242.00
€268.16- €242.00
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Vendor: Iron StudiosThe Bat and the Cat meet at the top of Gotham in a new statue by Iron Studios!From the top of an old tower in the gloomy city of Gotham, in a tower with medieval architecture, above two peacefully resting kittens, seated on a grey griffon gargoyle, the most emblematic and skillful local thief boasts all her charm over the Dark Knight. Using a black mask and leather costume, with the characteristic details of a cat silhouette on her zipper and on the buckle of her belt, the stealthy feline leans her fearsome whip on her shoulder, and subtly raises her claws, touching the chin of the relentless night defender. By the ornamental stone creature's feet, the hero tries to maintain his typical coldness and inflexible conduct while facing the charming figure, but fails to do so, with a warm heart under the tactical Kevlar mesh of his black and grey costume. With his black cape flapping and simulating big bat wings, Iron Studios bring the statue "Batman and Catwoman - DC Comics Series #9 - Diorama 1/6", with the most passionate, but also complicated couple in DC Universe.As a child, Bruce Wayne witnessed the brutal murder of his parents at the Crime Alley in Gotham City. Traumatized by their deaths, he dedicated his life to become the world's greatest weapon against crime, the Batman! To become the supreme vigilante, the Dark Knight disciplined his mind and body to achieve the apex of mental and physical superiority in his relentless search for justice. Created by Bob Kane and Bill Finger in 1939, Batman doesn't have any superhuman powers, having at his disposal only his intellect, investigative skills, technology, and a well-trained physique in his crusade against the most dangerous and insane villains of Gotham. Catwoman, the sharp-witted and furtive femme fatale is Selina Kyle, present in almost all the hero's adaptations outside the comic books. Seductive, brave, adventurous, and tricky, she always had a troubled romantic relationship with the Dark Knight. Many times, she stopped being just a thief to become some kind of anti-hero allied to Batman. She was created in 1940 by Bill Finger and Bob Kane.Presented on the Inside Iron Studios Day of March, already available for Pre-Order, check out the statue "Superman and Lois Lane - DC Comics - Diorama 1/6" by Iron Studios, another iconic couple in love from DC Universe revealed at CCXP 2023, soon hitting the shelves. The Polystone Diorama measures approx. 51 x 31 x 22 cm.
- €1,019.00
€1,130.60- €1,019.00
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Vendor: Iron StudiosIron Stu dios brings a new large and lifelike statue of Su perman!Considered by many to be the first superhero, responsible for pop ularizing the genre and establishing its conven tions. With his unmistakable classic uniform composed of a blue leotard, his chest symbol with the letter"S" in the form of a crest, his red boots, long scar let cape, iconic red trunks, and yellow belt form the image of the hero of hero es. Much more than a character worshipped for decades, fo r 86 years he has been a reference in global pop culture. Since 1938, his stories have been regularly published in periodical comic books by DC Comics, making him the best-selling superhero until the 1980s. On a display base with metallic textur es and a futuristic design inspired by the architecture of his city, Metropolis, and visually inspired by some of his most successful award-winning comic books, Iron Stu dios presents the statue "Superman DC Trinity - DC Comics - Legacy Replica 1/4", in a lifelike repr esentation of the Man of Steel created with extreme attention and care, with rigor and precision to the tiniest details.Created in 1938 by Joe Sh uster and Jerr y Siegel, Superman is Kal-El, his original name, one of the last survivo rs of the extin ct planet Kryp ton, sent to Earth as a baby by his bio logical father, a reno wned scientist. On Earth , he was found by a couple of farmers who raised him exemplarily, and as an adult, he took on the disgu ise of repo rter Clark Kent, an activity thro ugh which he could stay infor med of all events, using his powers to pro tect human ity both alone and alongside his allies in the Justice League. A multimedia character since his origins, Superman had his first adaptation in a radio pro gram in 1940, a series of animated shorts in the movie theaters pro duced by Fleischer Stu dios in 1941, his first live-action adaptation in a 1948 TV sho w por trayed by actor Kirk Alyn, a 1951 movie, and a TV series from 1953 to 1958 with George Reeves. The first major-bud get film in 1978 starred Christopher Reeve, with three sequels, various animated series, a series of animated films released dir ectly to video, TV shows, films in the DC Extended Universe, video games, toys, collectibles, and all kinds of merchand isin g products.Presented on the Inside Iron Studios Day of July on YouTube directly fr om SDCC 2024, now available for Pre-order, after a lo ng wait, fans and collectors will have an un precedented statue fr om Iron Studios in the Legacy Replica 1/4 series, in an impr essive version of the Man of Steel . Check o ut more news so on on Iron Stu dios' social media and You Tube channelSize: 61 cm
- €1,121.00
€1,244.19- €1,121.00
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Vendor: Iron StudiosIron Stu dios brings Gotham City Sirens' Catin a new statue!With a cheeky smile on her face, in her characteristic serene feline counten ance, Goth am City's legendary cat villain and anti-hero pets one of her kittens while sitting comfortably with her legs crossed over a safe already bro ken into, contain ing gold dou bloo ns inside, a simple challenge for her remarkable skills and long exper- ience. On the base of an old wooden floor, surrounded by bags of gold coins and artifacts that refer to her allies, such as a jack-in-the box from the Maid of Mischief, and low vegetation with flo wers from the Queen of the Green. Thus arrives the "Catwoman Deluxe - Gotham City Sirens DC Comics - Art Scale 1/10" statue, available for Pr e-Order, completing the trio of pro tagonists reimagined by the Iron Studios team, inspired by the Gotham City Sirens comic books.Iron Studios will also release a regular version, "Catwoman - Gotham City Sirens DC Comics - Art Scale 1/10", featurin g the cunning feline villain and antihero sitting on an old safe about to be opened, with a kitten mascot by her side, on the base of a rustic old wooden floor.Debuting in the first issue of Batman, she is one of the oldest and most impo rtant characters in the universe of the Caped Crusad er. Catwoman (Selina Kyle) is an orphan since childhood, spent some time in a girls' orp- hanage, from which she eventu ally escap ed. Her inspiration to become Catwoman is said to have originated from observing Batman himself. Seductive, brav e, adventurous, and cunning, she has always had a turbulent romantic relationship with the Dark Knight, and more recently, has transitioned from being just a thief to becoming a kind of vigilante anti-hero and bounty hun ter in the DC canon, and sometimes an ally of Batman. Selina is a talented athlete, with greater acrobatic ability due to her training, possesses strength, endurance, speed, reflexes, agility, and stamina abov e an ordinary human. A dangerous, intelligent, and resourceful fighter, she was train ed in Martial Arts, Boxing, and Street Fighting by the hero known as Wildcat. Selina has a strong affinity for feline species, which tend to flock to her, accepting her almost immediately, allowing her to calm injured cats, train them, create friend ship s with them, formin g strong bon ds. Created in 1940 by Bill Finger and Bob Kane, Selina Kyle steals the spotlight, and the cunning and stealthy femme fatale is always looking for her next heist, or a kiss from a certain caped crusader, but one thin g is for sure, there will bebad luck for anyo ne who crosses her path.In the comic books, the Gotham City Sirens series was pub lished between 2009 and 2011, written by Paul Din i, co-creator of Harleen, in the series Catwoman, Po ison Ivy, and Harley Quinn are forced to unite to pro tect themselves. Now, Iron Studios presents a new original series reimagining the characters. Revealed on the Insid e Iron Stu dios Day of Jun e, already available for Pr e-Order, check out the "Po ison Ivy Deluxe - Gotham City Sirens DC Comics - Art Scale 1/10" and "Harley Quinn Deluxe - Gotham City Sirens DC Comics - Art Scale 1/10" previously revealed statues, both also with a regular version.Size: 21 cm
- €342.00
€379.96- €342.00
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Vendor: Iron StudiosIron Studios brings Gotham City Sirens' Catin a new statue!With a cheeky smile on her face, in her characteristic serene feline counten ance, Goth am City's legendary cat villain and anti-hero pets one of her kittenswhile sitting comfortably with her legs crossed over a safe already bro ken into, contain ing gold dou bloons inside, a simple challenge for her remarkable skills and long exper ience. On the base of an old wooden flo or, surroun ded by bags of gold coins and artifacts that refer to her allies, such as a jack-in-thebox from the Maid of Mischief, and low vegetation with flo wers from the Queen of the Green. Thus arrives the "Catwoman Deluxe - Gotham City Sirens DC Comics - Art Scale 1/10" statue, available for Pr e-Order, completing the trio of pro tagonists reimagined by the Iron Stu dios team, inspired by the Gotham City Sirens comic books.Iron Stu dios will also release a regular version, "Catwoman - Gotham City Sirens DC Comics - Art Scale 1/10", featurin g the cunning feline villain and antihero sitting on an old safe abou t to be open ed, with a kitten masco t by her side, on the base of a rustic old wooden floor.Deb uting in the first issue of Batman, she is one of the oldest and most impo rtant characters in the universe of the Caped Crusad er. Catwoman (Selina Kyle) is an orp han since childhood, spent some time in a girls' orp- hanage, from which she eventu ally escap ed. Her inspiration to become Catwoman is said to have originated from observin g Batman himself. Sed uctive, brav e, adven turous, and cunning, she has always had a turbulent roman tic relationship with the Dark Knight, and more recently, has transition ed from being just a thief to becomin g a kind of vigilante anti-hero and bou nty hun ter in the DC canon, and sometimes an ally of Batman. Selin a is a talented athlete, with greater acrobatic ability due to her train ing, possesses strength, endu rance, speed, reflexes, agility, and stamina abov e an ord inary human. A dangerous, intelligent, and resourceful fighter, she was train ed in Martial Arts, Boxing, and Str eet Fighting by the hero known as Wildcat. Selina has a strong affinity for feline species, which tend to flock to her, accepting her almost immediately, allowing her to calm injured cats, train them, create friend ship s with them, formin g strong bonds. Created in 1940 by Bill Finger and Bob Kane, Selina Kyle steals the spotlight, and the cunning and stealthy femme fatale is always looking for her next heist, or a kiss from a certain caped crusader, but one thin g is for sure, there will be bad luck for anyo ne who crosses her path.In the comic books, the Gotham City Sirens series was publish ed between 2009 and 2011, written by Paul Dini, co-creator of Harleen , in the series Catwoman , Po ison Ivy, and Harley Quin n are fo rced to unite to protect themselves. Now, Iron Studios presen ts a new o riginal series r eimagin ing the characters. Revealed on the Inside Iron Stud ios Day of J une, already available fo r Pre-Order, check out the "Poison Ivy Deluxe - Gotham City Sirens DC Comics - Art Scale 1/10" and "Harley Quin n Delu xe - Gotham City Sirens DC Comics - Art Scale 1/10" pr eviously rev ealed statues, both also with a regular version.Size: 21 cm
- €238.00
€265.02- €238.00
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Vendor: Iron StudiosIron Studios brings another one of the Gotham City Sirens in a new statue!In a whimsical and deadly setting, Gotham's Maid of Mischief balances on her left leg, supporting herself with her right hand on a baseball bat that crushes the chest of a handmade Joker plushie, her former lover and now an enemy. Leaning against a wooden railing covered with green vines and red flowers with a batarang stuck in it, a small High Striker toy with a broken top depicting Punchline, the new devotee of the sinister clown villain, serves as a support for her giant mallet. In front of her, a box with weapons and gadgets characteristic of other iconic local criminals, including the utility belt of her rival hero, souvenirs of past clashes, shares space with another plushie of her pet hyena named Bruce. In this chaotic environment, two kittens playing among doubloons and gold bars, alongside the ground vegetation and flowers reference her allies. Iron Studios presents the statue "Harley Quinn Deluxe - Gotham City Sirens DC Comics - Art Scale 1/10" with long golden hair with colored tips, wearing a variation of her original black and red costume, reimagined by the Iron Studios team, inspired by the Gotham City Sirens comic books.Iron Studios also brings the regular version of the statue "Harley Quinn - Gotham City Sirens DC Comics - Art Scale 1/10", with Harleen on a round base of a wooden floor in the shape of a circus ring, decorated with diamond suits and graffiti where the anti-hero rests her baseball bat on cubes with card suits on their sides.A former psychiatrist and intern at the Arkham Asylum Sanatorium, Dr. Harleen Quinzel was unexpectedly attracted to the charm of her patient known as the Joker. With his charismatic and extravagant behavior, the Clown Prince of Crime seduced and manipulated the young doctor, driving her mad and making her his girlfriend and criminal accomplice called Harley Quinn. With above-average agility and combat skills, unlike the Joker, she can also act sane and normal enough to disguise herself, and her charisma and psychiatric training allow her to psychologically manipulate others. Created by Paul Dini and Bruce Timm, the positive reaction from critics and the public towards the character made her a constant presence in that animated series and subsequent Batman animations until 1999 when she was also included in the DC Comics universe. Today she is portrayed more as an anti-hero, acting as a vigilante rather than a criminal.In the comics, the series Gotham City Sirens was published between 2009 and 2011, written by Paul Dini, co-creator of Harleen, and tells the story of Catwoman, Poison Ivy, and Harley Quinn, who are forced to unite to protect themselves. Now Iron Studios presents a new original collection reimagining the characters. Revealed on the Inside Iron Studios Day of May, now available for Pre-Order, check out the previously revealed statue "Poison Ivy Deluxe - Gotham City Sirens DC Comics - Art Scale 1/10" and soon other amazing future releases by Iron Studios.Size: 22 cm
- €373.00
€413.71- €373.00
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Vendor: Iron StudiosIron Studios presents this officially licensed resin statue. The 1/10 scale statue measures approx. 16 x 11 x 12 cm and comes in a printed box.
- €245.00
€271.29- €245.00
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Vendor: Iron StudiosFrom "Teen Titans" comes this officially licensed statue. The 1/10 scale statue is about 32 cm tall and comes with matching base.
- €346.00
€383.74- €346.00
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Vendor: Iron Studios"Who is Wonder Woman?Wonder Woman is one of the greatest icons of comic book art and pop culture. Created by William Moulton Marston and Harry G. Peter in 1941, she is Princess Diana, a demigoddess Amazon from Themyscira, the Paradise Island, and the daughter of Zeus and Hippolyta, the queen of the Amazons. Over the years, her origins have undergone several changes-Diana has been a nurse, military intelligence officer, U.S. government agent, ambassador, and more, in addition to being an Amazon warrior. Although her backstory and appearance have evolved, her essence as the greatest hero has remained unchanged, coming to the world of men to promote and defend peace and justice. With superhuman powers, abilities, and her mystical Lasso of Truth, she forms the DC universe's Trinity alongside Superman and Batman, balancing the often-opposing ideologies of the two heroes. Exploring the Wonder Woman statue:Carrying the magical Lasso of Hestia at her waist-also known as the Lasso of Truth for its power to compel anyone ensnared by it to submit, forcing them to obey the bearer and tell the truth-the world's greatest superhero gazes toward the horizon with her blue eyes. Her long, ebony-black hair flows in the wind, crowned by her golden tiara. Wearing her classic outfit-a red, gold, and blue one-piece with white stars, red-and-white knee-high boots, and protected by the Bracelets of Submission on her wrists-Iron Studios proudly presents the ""Wonder Woman - DC Trinity - Legacy Replica 1/4"" statue. Diana, the iconic Amazon princess, stands atop a luxurious themed base, ornamented with Greek pillars and her logo on the front. Using the most advanced 3D modeling techniques and based on the official references to precisely capture her essence, this statue completes the legendary trinity with the most symbolic superheroes from DC universe, joining the Man of Steel and the Dark Knight, previously presented in Iron Studios' lifelike Legacy Replica 1/4 line. Figure details:With her looks inspired by some of her most successful and prizewinning comic books, the statue Wonder Woman - DC Trinity - Legacy Replica 1/4 presents Princess Diana from Themyscira with her classic look in a large statue, which ensures an impressive display of the figure in any environment. Special features:The statue Wonder Woman - DC Trinity - Legacy Replica 1/4 will be produced in limited edition. The diorama base presents rich details inspired by the original references. Materials and finishing of the piece:Just like all the other statues manufactured by Iron Studios, the statue Wonder Woman - DC Trinity - Legacy Replica 1/4 is made with high-quality materials such as Polystone and may contain parts in resin, PVC, metal, and fabric. For the finishing, the hand-painted statue ensures a unique and exclusive artistic touch to satisfy any collector. Presented during the Halloween Inside Iron Studios Day of October, fans and collectors can finally celebrate new statues in the DC Comics Legacy Replica 1/4 series after a long hiatus. Check out the ""Superman DC Trinity - DC Comics - Legacy Replica 1/4"" and ""Batman DC Trinity - DC Comics - Legacy Replica 1/4"" statues, which were previously revealed. Now available for Pre-order-get yours now! Stay tuned for more upcoming releases on Iron Studios' social media and YouTube channel!"
- €1,209.00
€1,341.94- €1,209.00
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Vendor: Iron Studios"Who is Hawkman?Hawkman is a classic hero created in 1940 by Gardner Fox and Dennis Neville with multiple origins in the DC multiverse continuity. He was the prince Khufu in ancient Egypt, reincarnated as the archaeologist Carter Hall, the policeman Katar Hol from the planet Thanagar, and even as the avatar of the Thanagarian Hawk God. But in all his incarnations, he has always fought for justice, almost always alongside his beloved partner Hawkwoman as the Winged Champions. Using medieval weapons in harmony with high technology, he operates in groups like the Justice League and the Justice Society. Hawkman, Carter Hall, can speak and understand the language of birds, at least in the stories from the Golden Age. He also has keen long-distance vision (telescopic vision) like common hawks. He possesses a belt made of nth metal that reduces the weight of the user and objects he holds, granting great durability. The wings, when used with the belt, provide the ability to fly and ensure extra protection. Hawkman is a master of an arsenal of medieval weapons such as swords, spears, clubs, and shields, but he prefers to carry a mace. Exploring the Hawkman statue:With his face partially covered by a golden helmet, the winged champion of justice perches on a stone arch supported by ancient pillars adorned with Egyptian hieroglyphs, with statues of falcons among them and his front featuring the head of Horus, the Egyptian god with a falcon head, protector of the skies and the living. With his lance resting on his left arm, wielding a mace embedded with nth force in his right, and carrying his sword sheathed at his waist, he is more than prepared to engage in battle with any adversary, his body protected by armor crafted from nth metal, a rare and exotic mineral that allows his suit to defy gravity. Inspired by Ivan Reis' illustration, a renowned artist from Chiaroscuro Studios, with options for closed or open wings, Iron Studios presents the statue ""Hawkman 10th Anniversary - DC Comics - Art Scale 1/10"". Just as in the comic books where the hero was born and reborn as an Egyptian prince, an archaeological explorer, an extraterrestrial policeman, or an alien deity, in Iron Studios collectibles, he also reincarnates in the new Art Scale 1/10 version, which also features interchangeable options for closed and open wings. Figure details:Just as in the comic books where the hero was born and reborn as an Egyptian prince, an archaeological explorer, an extraterrestrial policeman, or an alien deity, in Iron Studios collectibles, he also reincarnates in the new Art Scale 1/10 version, which also features interchangeable options for closed and open wings. Special features:The statue Hawkman 10th Anniversary - Art Scale 1/10 will be produced in limited edition. The diorama base presents rich details inspired by the original references. Materials and finishing of the piece:Just like all the other statues manufactured by Iron Studios, the statue Hawkman 10th Anniversary - Art Scale 1/10 is made with high-quality materials such as Polystone and may contain parts in resin, PVC, metal, and fabric. For the finishing, the hand-painted statue ensures a unique and exclusive artistic touch to satisfy any collector. Produced based on the concept art developed by Ivan Reis, the official DC Comics artist from Chiaroscuro Studios, this is one of the most acclaimed statues Iron Studios has ever produced, originally crafted in a limited edition in the Prime Scale 1/3 line. Now fans and collectors can enjoy this reduced version in the Art Scale 1/10 line."
- €381.00
€421.78- €381.00
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Vendor: Iron StudiosIron Studios present a statue inspired by the lifelike comic book version of Batman!True to the concepts of his origins, clad in one of his most iconic and essential uniforms in black and gray, with the iconic golden utility belt composed of pouches around his waist, the nocturnal protector of Gotham stands with his arms crossed, on a base featuring elements of the gothic and dark architecture of his city. Inspired by one of his most acclaimed comic book representations, award-winning and a best-seller, showcasing an ultra-realistic vision in his design, with the legendary superhero in a lifelike fabric uniform where the hood adheres like a second skin to his face, revealing his eyes and making his expressions more human, turning his mask into part of his face. Iron Studios presents the spectacular "Batman DC Trinity - DC Comics - Legacy Replica 1/4" statue, featuring the most realistic Caped Crusader from the comic books, in a grandiose work of art created using the latest 3D modeling techniques, based on official references to accurately capture the essence of the Dark Knight celebrating the year the hero marks 85 years of fighting evil.As a child, Bruce Wayne witnessed his parents' brutal murder in Gotham City's Crime Alley. Traumatized by their deaths, he dedicated his life to becoming the world's greatest weapon against crime: Batman! To become the ultimate vigilante, the Dark Knight disciplined his mind and body to achieve the pinnacle of mental and physical superiority in his relentless pursuit of justice. Created by Bob Kane and Bill Finger in 1939, Batman has no superhuman powers, relying solely on intellect, investigative skills, technology, and a well-trained physique in his crusade against Gotham's most dangerous and insane villains.Size: 60 x 43 x 26 cm
- €1,170.00
€1,298.83- €1,170.00
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Vendor: Iron StudiosThe Girl of Steel, Superman's cousin, gets a statue by Iron Studios!Perched atop the clock tower of a classic skyscraper, a beautiful young woman with golden hair, wearing a distinctive blue and red costume with the iconic "S" emblem on her chest, playfully interacts with her unique and special feline pet. As we gaze upon her, we are instantly transported to a whimsical and radiant atmosphere, capturing every detail of the young heroine and her companion, with perfect aesthetic fidelity to her classic portrayal in the comics. As part of the eighth series inspired by the most iconic characters from the DC Comics universe, Iron Studios proudly presents the "Supergirl Series #8 - DC Comics - Art Scale 1/10" statue featuring Superman's cousin alongside Streaky the Supercat, flying by her side in a fun and unpretentious pose that perfectly embodies her heroic and innocent essence.When the planet Krypton was about to explode, scientist Zor-El adjusted his daughter Kara's spacecraft to follow the ship of his cousin Kal-El. Kara was already a young girl, while Kal-El was just a newborn baby. During the journey through space, Kara remained in suspended animation within a large chunk of the planet, and upon reaching Earth, her asteroid broke apart, and her spacecraft crashed in Gotham City where it was found by Batman. With the crash of the asteroid, Kryptonite became abundant, gaining new variations. Alone and frightened, she fled from Batman and later discovered that her cousin was the hero known as Superman, now older than her. She was taken by him to the Fortress of Solitude, where she learned to speak the Earth's language. Known as Supergirl, she was transported to the 31st century, where she was revered as a member of the Superman family and joined the Legion of Super-Heroes for a time. In the present, Kara, appearing as a 16-year-old girl, lives in National City with her adoptive parents and attends high school. Although she does not physically appear to be older, Kara is actually older than her cousin and spent some time on Krypton before its destruction. As such, unlike Superman, she possesses memories of Kryptonian culture as well as Kal-El's parents. Seeking a way to neutralize the deadly effects of Kryptonite, Supergirl's attempt resulted in the creation of the so-called X-Kryptonite. Her pet cat Streaky was exposed to radiation from this variant and, thanks to this unique combination of X-Kryptonite, Streaky gained superpowers, including flight, super-strength, super-vision, super-speed, and enhanced intelligence.Size: 25 x 14 x 11,5 cm
- €295.00
€327.14- €295.00
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Vendor: Iron StudiosFrom the Wonder Woman line comes this 1/10th scale statue! The Polystone statue measures approx. 30 cm and comes with matching base.Features:- Limited Edition- Based on original movie references - Made in Polystone - Hand Painted
- €297.00
€329.54- €297.00
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Vendor: Iron StudiosIron Studios brings another one of the Gotham City Sirens in a new statue!In a whimsical and deadly setting, Gotham's Maid of Mischief balances on her left leg, supporting herself with her right hand on a baseball bat that crushes the chest of a handmade Joker plushie, her former lover and now an enemy. Leaning against a wooden railing covered with green vines and red flowers with a batarang stuck in it, a small High Striker toy with a broken top depicting Punchline, the new devotee of the sinister clown villain, serves as a support for her giant mallet. In front of her, a box with weapons and gadgets characteristic of other iconic local criminals, including the utility belt of her rival hero, souvenirs of past clashes, shares space with another plushie of her pet hyena named Bruce. In this chaotic environment, two kittens playing among doubloons and gold bars, alongside the ground vegetation and flowers reference her allies. Iron Studios presents the statue "Harley Quinn Deluxe - Gotham City Sirens DC Comics - Art Scale 1/10" with long golden hair with colored tips, wearing a variation of her original black and red costume, reimagined by the Iron Studiosteam, inspired by the Gotham City Sirens comic books.Iron Studios also brings the regular version of the statue "Harley Quinn - Gotham City Sirens DC Comics - Art Scale 1/10", with Harleen on a round base of a wooden floor in the shape of a circus ring, decorated with diamond suits and graffiti where the anti-hero rests her baseball bat on cubes with card suits on their sides.A former psychiatrist and intern at the Arkham Asylum Sanatorium, Dr. Harleen Quinzel was unexpectedly attracted to the charm of her patient known as the Joker. With his charismatic and extravagant behavior, the Clown Prince of Crime seduced and manipulated the young doctor, driving her mad and making her his girlfriend and criminal accomplice called Harley Quinn. With above-average agility and combat skills, unlike the Joker, she can also act sane and normal enough to disguise herself, and her charisma and psychiatric training allow her to psychologically manipulate others. Created by Paul Dini and Bruce Timm, the positive reaction from critics and the public towards the character made her a constant presence in that animated series and subsequent Batman animations until 1999 when she was also included in the DC Comics universe. Today she is portrayed more as an anti-hero, acting as a vigilante rather than a criminal.In the comics, the series Gotham City Sirens was published between 2009 and 2011, written by Paul Dini, co-creator of Harleen, and tells the story of Catwoman, Poison Ivy, and Harley Quinn, who are forced to unite to protect themselves. Now Iron Studios presents a new original collection reimagining the characters. Revealed on the Inside Iron Studios Day of May, now available for Pre-Order, check out the previously revealed statue "Poison Ivy Deluxe - Gotham City Sirens DC Comics - Art Scale 1/10" and soon other amazing future releases by Iron StudiosSize: 22 cm
- €240.00
€266.06- €240.00
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Vendor: Iron StudiosThis officially licensed resin statue comes from Iron Studios. The 1/10 scale statue is approx. 27 cm tall and comes in a printed box.
- €340.00
€377.75- €340.00
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Vendor: Iron StudiosThis detailed statue of "Batman" is made of high-quality polystone in 1/4 scale and comes with an elaborate base and interchangeable parts in a printed box.
- €1,532.00
€1,700.53- €1,532.00
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Vendor: Iron StudiosIron Studios presents a new 1/10 statue of Joker (Arthur Fleck) Get ready to dive your collection into the dark and fascinating mind of Arthur Fleck with the new 1/10 statue of Joker, based on the successful homonymous franchise. The Pre-order of the statue aligns with the release of the second movie "Joker: Folie à Deux", the sequel to the critically acclaimed Joker, from 2019. The figure faithfully depicts Joker in a costume just like in the movie and manages to portray the chaotic and tragic energy permeating the character. With a design that seeks to be the definitive representation of both movies, the statue comes with 2 interchangeable options of head and arms, allowing you to customize your display and bring different facets of the character to life. Awaken the chaos in your collection with this unmissable statue that blends art and narrative. Each and every detail was meticulously sculpted and painted, resulting in a work of art that conveys Joker's profoundness and complexity. The statue is already available for Pre-Order. Don't miss that chance and get yours now!Size: 24 cm
- €371.00
€411.81- €371.00
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Vendor: Iron StudiosThis officially licensed resin statue is part of the "Art Scale" series. The 1/10 scale statue measures approx. 26 x 15 x 12 cm and comes with a matching base in a printed box.
- €235.00
€260.77- €235.00
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